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Restorative Dentistry in South Bend, IN

Damage, wear, and discoloration all take a toll on your teeth, including weakening their structural integrity. At Elite Dental of South Bend, we help patients like you restore your appearance and oral health. With a comprehensive collection of restorative dentistry procedures, we repair your teeth that have suffered damage and decay. Our caring specialists use techniques and procedures proven to effectively resolve missing teeth, cavities, cracks, chips, and other damage. Regain your confident smile in South Bend, IN by contacting us for restorative care at our practice.

smiling woman

Restorative Procedures for Our Patients

Elite Dental of South Bend offers a multitude of restorative treatment options, and we’re proud of the outcomes we’ve given patients during their visits. Issues such as tooth decay, missing teeth, and cracks are all solvable at our office. Restorative procedures we provide include Oral Surgery, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain, Single Tooth Replacement With Implant, Multiple Tooth Replacement With Implant, Full Arch Replacement, Tongue & Lip Tie Revisions, and Sleep Apnea/Snoring as well as the following:


We securely fit a dental crown over your natural tooth to effectively restore its size and shape. All crowns get custom-created to ensure a precise fit and a natural look next to the adjacent teeth. If you have a broken or damaged tooth that a filling won’t resolve, a dental crown works well to restore it. It provides strength to a tooth, so you get your bite and appearance back.

Inlays and Onlays

Our team uses these custom-fabricated restorations to replace fillings. After tooth decay, inlays and onlays fit on or in your teeth to repair structural loss, such as small cracks. After we’ve installed them, they blend perfectly with the natural tooth while restoring the lost or damaged tissue. If your current fillings are discolored or have incurred damage, we can restore them with inlays and onlays.

Dental Implant Restoration (Mini and Traditional)

Get a permanent solution to missing teeth with mini or traditional dental implants. They’re the closest option to your real teeth, and you’ll be able to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

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Dentures, Partials, and Bridges

With dentures, you get removable replacements for your natural teeth when you’ve lost the upper arch, lower arch, or both. When you’ve lost a few or several of your teeth, partial dentures fill the vacancy with real-looking artificial teeth on a base that holds itself in place with the adjacent natural teeth. For one or more missing teeth, you can get a permanent solution with a dental bridge. This device attaches one or more artificial teeth over the gums using crowns over the neighboring natural teeth.

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We use a composite material that’s colored like your natural teeth to reshape and cover teeth with staining, odd shaping, and other issues. Our team can fix discoloration, chips, cracks, and more using bonding as a solution.

Immediate Dentures

When you’re losing an entire arch of your teeth, we’ll create immediate dentures to go in on the same day as your visit to remove your natural teeth. You won’t need to worry about waiting for dentures.

Schedule Care at Our Dental Practice

With restorative dentistry, we can give you a complete smile again after decay, cracks, and other issues have damaged your teeth. Our dental team has treatments available to rebuild and repair your teeth, or we can replace them when you’ve suffered tooth loss. For expert dental care, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 574-272-0466 at your earliest convenience!