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Providing the Best Dental Services for South Bend

Doctors Mahoney and Ginter are dedicated to bringing South Bend, IN, the best in dental services. The tools and methods in the industry are constantly evolving and progressing to help make dental procedures easier to get and afford. Most patients don’t seek out the dental services they need because of fear. Older procedure methods and tools may have been intimidating, but not any longer! Elite Dental of South Bend keeps our team up-to-date on these new tools and techniques to ensure that no patient need to worry about pain when attempting to get your best smile possible.

Modern Dental Services

Elite Dental of South Bend focuses on just that, family. Our staff is here to help the entire family with their dental services needed, from your new baby to your great-great grandma. The best smiles are possible at any age. The comfort and health of our South Bend dental patients is our dentists’ number one concern. Below are some of our services that our pleasant and professionally trained staff are ready to perform:

  • Tongue and Lip-Tie Revisions
  • Oral Surgery
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Cleaning & Prevention
  • Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Periodontal Disease
  • Dentures & Implants
  • Sleep Apnea
  • TMJ Pain Treatment

Emergency Dental Services Available

If you experience an accident that causes the loss of a tooth or you are suffering through a toothache from abscess or tooth loss, make a same-day appointment with Elite Dental of South Bend. You want to get these types of issues taken care of right away. Not having the professionals at Elite Dental of South Bend help you with this emergency can lead to more significant problems and more pain. It can also be a costlier issue if left unattended. We have all the tools to help you save the tooth, and if we are unable, then we will offer the best procedures to guarantee you a healthy, beautiful, and strong smile.