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Elite Dental of South Bend Offers Emergency Dentistry

If you have broken a tooth, lost one in an accident, or to premature deterioration let the on-call dentist at Elite Dental of South Bend get your smile taken care of and repaired efficiently. We offer emergency dental services in South Bend, Indiana that will have you smiling again in no time. If you are experiencing a toothache from a chipped tooth, abscess, or lost tooth the dentists at our dentist office are here to help.

Why Would You Need Emergency Dentistry?

If you are suffering a toothache, it will rarely get better with time and it is medically important that you call our dentist office in South Bend, Indiana as soon as possible after the accident. Our dentists understand how dental pain can be excruciating and will help to bring you relief as quickly and efficiently as we can. Tooth pain is caused by an irritation in the nerve within the tooth. Many different irritations can cause the dental pain such as infection, injury or decay. The dentists at Elite Dental of South Bend will diagnose the cause of your pain then provide emergency dentistry treatments to at least relieve your toothache pain swiftly. Our dentists will follow up with a treatment plan to help get you back to smiling.

How to Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth in an Emergency

If you have your tooth, or worse teeth, knocked out, you may be lost as to what to do next to make sure that your smile is able to be fixed and stay intact in a natural way. Below are some steps to help you on what to do next to protect those lost teeth:

  • Pick up the tooth by the crown, not the root
  • Reposition the tooth in the socket immediately, if possible
  • Keep tooth moist at all times
  • Bring the tooth with you to your emergency appointment

Visit Elite Dental of South Bend for Emergency Dentistry

The full team at Elite Dental of South Bend understands that dental emergencies can happen at the worst possible time. When patients have a medical emergency, most know to call 911 or visit the emergency room. If South Bend has a dental emergency they should call Elite Dental of South Bend, IN. Allow our professionally trained team to help you smile again!