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About Elite Dental of South Bend in South Bend, IN

Elite Dental of South Bend is a reputable dental office in South Bend, IN that offers premium treatment for your oral health. It was started over 30 years ago by Dr. Terry Mahoney to provide the best possible dental care to patients of all ages. Dr. Mahoney and the staff at our practice have kept up with modern dentistry technologies, including tools, restorations, and innovative methods of achieving and maintaining optimal oral health. While our expertise in dental tools and techniques has evolved over time, our commitment to our patients’ comfort and well-being has been consistent since we began this practice. We uphold this commitment with thorough and gentle treatment, as well as continuing education for our patients to practice better oral hygiene outside our office.

Thorough Dental Care for a Perfect Smile

At Elite Dental of South Bend, we know that a well-rounded selection of dental services ensures our patients maintain a beautiful, pain-free smile. With general dentistry, our team cleans your teeth and takes preventative steps to help you avoid problems like decay and infections. However, these issues can still occur over time. If we find cavities or other damage, or you experience oral pain, Dr. Mahoney and our staff will relieve the discomfort and resolve the damage through our restorative dental services.

Sometimes, the discomfort you feel stems from your teeth’s appearance, and we have solutions for that problem, such as teeth whitening. Cosmetic dentistry allows us to fix imperfections in your smile to give you bright, flawless teeth. Unexpected issues like a dislodged tooth or a throbbing molar rarely come at convenient times, and you need help to resolve them as soon as possible. Our practice offers emergency dentistry to ensure you get prompt dental care in urgent situations. Call us whenever you have tooth pain, trauma, and other issues, and we’ll get you into our office as soon as possible.

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Serving the Oral Care Needs of Families

Regular dental visits and a strict oral hygiene regimen are essential to ensure your teeth, gums, and mouth stay in the best possible condition. Elite Dental of South Bend welcomes every member of your family to get the dental treatments they need for a healthy, pain-free smile. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our friendly dental professionals.