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Providing General Dentistry in South Bend, IN

At Elite Dental of South Bend, we provide general dentistry to prevent dental problems and treat those that may arise. With twice-yearly checkups at our South Bend, IN office, we can help you avoid health issues that require expensive treatments to resolve. Our dentist and staff use a combination of consultations, diagnostics, and procedures to improve and maintain your oral health. If you have an issue such as gum disease, a missing tooth, or misalignment, we’ll examine you and create a treatment plan to correct your problem.

Smiling Family

Our Selection of General Care Procedures

The best way to prevent decay, infection, and other dental issues is to brush and floss regularly and stay up to date on your general dental care. We’ll help you keep a beautiful smile with the following general services. Our general dentistry services include pediatric dentistry as well as:

Biannual Cleanings (ADA-recommended)

During your cleaning, we skillfully remove the plaque and tartar that’s built up on your teeth, give them a good flossing, and polish them.

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Digital X-Rays

The high-definition images of digital X-rays show us the underlying structure of your smile without using bitewings or other uncomfortable features of conventional X-rays. They also emit less radiation, making them safer for patients.

Limited/Comprehensive Exams

Our team examines your teeth, gums, and mouth for any issues such as decay or damage. Besides the condition of your mouth, we’ll also evaluate the condition of any restorations you have.

Periodontal Gum Therapy (Support Oral Systemic Health)

The health of your gums is linked to your overall health, including your heart. With periodontal gum therapy, we restore your gums to top condition and prevent issues like bone and tooth loss.

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Oral Cancer Screenings

During this examination, we check your lips, tongue, and other tissues to spot early signs of oral cancer. When we catch the growth early, it’s faster and easier to eradicate it before it spreads. If you don’t treat it, cancer can grow into a more severe condition that endangers your oral and overall welfare.

Visit Our Professional Team

If you’ve noticed soreness, pain, or anything else making your teeth and mouth uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 574-272-0466 at your earliest convenience!