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Get Cosmetic Dentistry in South Bend, IN

One of the most important parts of your appearance is your smile. You should be able to smile confidently, and Elite Dental of South Bend will help you regain bright, beautiful teeth with our cosmetic dentistry. Our team of caring dental professionals has helped patients throughout South Bend, IN for years with our dental services. We offer teeth whitening, smile makeovers, and many other teeth beautifying treatments. If you’re interested in our comprehensive selection of cosmetic procedures for your own mouth, reach out to us to schedule an appointment.

smiling man

Cosmetic Options for Patients

Our dental office offers a variety of dental aesthetic services to help you regain a beautiful smile. We designed the list of teeth enhancing treatments to give you a whiter, brighter smile that you can show off. At Elite Dental of South Bend, you can take advantage of any of our following options for cosmetic dentistry. Our cosmetic dentistry services include:


Tooth Whitening Options

Nothing beats the stellar results of professional in-office tooth whitening. We’ll determine your desired shade and remove years of staining and discoloration.

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Smile Makeovers

If your mouth suffers from decay or other damage, we’ll create a treatment plan with procedures such as crowns, bridges, implants, and whitening to optimize your teeth’s appearance and function.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Cavities don’t have to destroy your perfect smile. After we remove the affected tissue and clean the area, we’ll fill the space with a tooth-colored material to seal out further decay, and it blends with the rest of your mouth.


Using tooth-colored composite material, we’ll reshape your tooth or cover stains to restore your teeth’s function and appearance. Issues such as cracks, chips, and discoloration are all solvable with bonding.

Schedule Cosmetic Service for Your Smile

Elite Dental of South Bend is ready to help you boost your smile’s appearance. Get the smile you’ve always wanted with cosmetic dentistry performed by our talented and caring team of dental specialists. If you’ve been self-conscious about gaps or missing teeth in your smile and you’re looking for a reliable fix, don’t hesitate to give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 574-272-0466 at your earliest convenience!