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Offering Emergency Dentistry in South Bend, IN

Dental emergencies typically come without any warning, and the pain and damage call for quick treatment. Elite Dental of South Bend’s office in South Bend, IN offers emergency dentistry to patients of all ages and dental emergencies. The dentist and staff have ample experience handling a variety of oral injuries and ailments, and we provide the care you need promptly. Don’t wait to get relief from the discomfort and fix the damage. Putting off emergency care could result in additional damage to your mouth. Contact us as soon as possible, and we’ll get you in our office quickly.

smiling couple

Examples of Emergency Services

There’s a multitude of reasons to seek emergency dentistry at our office. You could have a sudden or chronic toothache, or a fall or accident has damaged your teeth. Whether you chipped a tooth or lost a crown, Elite Dental of South Bend provides patients with prompt dental care. Some examples of emergency dental services include the following:

Root Canal Therapy

Decay, cracks, and other dental damage can let bacteria into your soft tissue, causing an infection. Our caring team will perform root canal therapy to clean out any infected tissue inside your tooth and seal out the chance of further infection. It’s crucial that you seek treatment for an infection as soon as possible. Not doing so can result in developing an abscess, losing your tooth, and other damage.


If you have one or more teeth with decay, damage, or other cause that’s rendered them irreparable, we may extract them. Our office will only perform an extraction when it’s necessary to preserve your overall health. Removing a tooth can effectively protect your mouth from further dental issues and relieve you of pain or discomfort. During your appointment, we make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, and we’ll help you choose a replacement option.

Visit Us for Emergency Dentistry

Elite Dental of South Bend is there to help you whenever you have a dental emergency. If you chip or crack your tooth on something hard, suffer a knocked-out tooth, or experience a toothache, it’s essential to get immediate care. For quick relief from the pain and damage of a sudden dental injury or malady, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 574-272-0466 at your earliest convenience!